Eight of Networks

Jun 05, 2022 23:42

I found a Butter Chicken slow cooker recipe that I want to try. I just ordered some Garam Masala spices from Amazon. It should get here on Monday, so I can make Butter Chicken next week. And Walmart has Basmati Rice.

Got up at 9 AM. Got some stuff done; emptied a box that had a few books in it and did dishes. I still have some time, so I'm going to pick up more stuff on the floor and work on dumping files. I got the other file drawer cleaned out. Go me. I can pick up two more drawers. Now I'm thinking of keeping both filing cabinets. I think that I'll have enough personal stuff for one, and I'd use the other for work. (They were both stuffed with my files to begin with, so I have been making progress.) I also have a folder with stuff with my Social Security number on it to shred.

Italian went well. Apparently it's very hot where my teacher is right now. We had some Internet flakiness though.

I opened the bedroom window a bit last night. Zara loves it. I'd like to close it because I have my a/c on, but I don't think that she'll let me do it (done when I left).

Went to the other college in town and wandered all over the place, looking for the book drop to return my library books. I finally found the place. Then I went to the storage place. I didn't have time to go through boxes of books, but I grabbed two more file drawers. And I snagged a box labeled, "Computer software". I suspect that its contents can go in the trash. Oh, and I grabbed my grill. I went to Aldi and Walmart, and got ingredients for the flounder and the Butter Chicken. I looked for cilantro and oregano plants, but Walmart didn't have any. I should try Ace Hardware.

Put away the groceries. Got the garbage out. Opened the windows to cool this place down. I'm boiling.

Worked on a file drawer. I found something spooky. I asked something called the Silicon Valley Tarot if I would get a job. (Presumably after my last tech writing job.) The answer: 'Even if your efforts seem for years to be producing nothing, one day a light in exact proportion to them will switch on." That's EXACTLY what happened. I was out of work for years and worked on my Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, and got my first library job, and never looked back. And now I have my dream job. Weird.

errands, zara, decluttering, indian food, food. cooking, italian

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