Smithsonian Meditation

May 28, 2022 02:02

I've found some shampoo and conditioner and body soap bars that I'd like to try in the pursuit of less packaging. It looks like the frizzy part of my hair is indeed the part that still has the dye on it. That confirms my decision to stop dyeing it. It's cool that gray hair for women is now "in," although mine is definitely salt-and-pepper.

I'm tired today, which is not surprising. And it's dark and rainy.

I tried an online meditation session offered by the Smithsonian. I'm not sure what I thought of it. Part of it was meditating on a Korean painting, which seemed strange. But I do feel relaxed in mind and body.

Overslept my nap. I've decided not to to pick up Zara's meds today because I'm too tired.

Had another nap after work. Made up work time afterward. Finally remembered to request that a transcript be sent from Wayne State University (my Master's Degree) to the University of Illinois for iCAN.

It also just occurred to me that I could ask work for a new trackball because I use it for work. New headphones too.

ican, sleep, weather, tired, saving the planet, work, hair, meditation

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