Retrieved the Bicycle

May 23, 2022 00:30

It's cold. 56 F. Need to bring out my sweatshirt. I'm wondering if I should turn the heat on, but it's supposed to get up to the 60s F. Zara is snuggling with me to get warm.

I weighed myself this morning, and I'm down around 15 pounds. Awesome.

Italian went okay. My teacher complimented me on how much Italian I was understanding. He's busy next week, so my next lesson is in two weeks.

Watched a webinar about credit scores.

I'm back with the bicycle that I want to sell. I couldn't get it to fit in my car (although I've done so before) so I had to tie down the hatch. I washed the bicycle with water. I need to get a bicycle pump and inflate the tires. It's locked outside. Oh, and I found a Parson's table that I never built, so I'll build it and sell it.

I was going to get a bicycle pump at Walmart, but I found one on Amazon that also had a patch kit, so I bought it (for my hybrid bike).

Took out the garbage. Looked at used kitchen tables because my bistro set will go out on the balcony if I have one.

Lay down for a while but couldn't sleep. Found a guy that I kind of liked during college on LinkedIn. Looked for a friend of his but no luck.

Kind of hung out for a while. I need to eat a little and go to sleep.

chores, zara, weight loss, weather, bicycle, italian

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