Pet Deposit Money

May 17, 2022 23:44

Holy. Cow. I got almost $400 in the Facebook settlement. That will really help. Hmm, I want to deposit it into my Capital One account, which is where I'm stashing money for the move, but they don't have a deposit using the app. I need to get to a bank tomorrow and deposit it.

Mower guy showed up. Yay.

Huh. I was just thinking that I was doing okay without the air conditioning, when I flipped it on on impulse, and I'll be damned, it's working. So what, it needed a break?

Piano was kind of a fiasco. I kept on tripping over myself. I was the only one in class, so I had a private lesson though. I need to spend more time practicing. Oh, my piano teacher likes my digital piano. She has a similar one. I'm glad that she isn't a piano snob. I have a pianist friend who disdainly referred to my digital piano as "it".

I sold another book. Every little bit helps.

I found two possible movers for the move to Champaign, although I won't contact them until I've rented a place. I've also been thinking about what I want in a place, and my top two are 1) a balcony or patio, and 2) a washer-dryer hookup.

I read in The New York Times about a group called the Hearing Voices Network that is run by people with mental health issues for others with mental health issues. Too bad that they don't have a group in Illinois or online. They do have a group in Madison. The article also said that doctors thought that the new generation of antipsychotic drugs would have less side-effects, but in fact, they just have different ones. I gained 50 pounds on Zyprexa.

Got laundry going. I made sure that I had something to wear on Friday; we're having a goodbye party for my boss and another manager who is retiring, so I'll be in Champaign that day.

Worked for a while. Just remembered that I was doing laundry. (I should set a reminder on my phone.) Looked at denim patches for a pair of jeans with holes on them. (Autocorrect wrote "demon patches". Hmm.) I found a gorgeous lotus flower patch on Etsy, but I'd need three of them. Hmm. Oh cool, the patches ship from Lithuania! I'd be getting in touch with my roots!

I need to go do some sweeping before I go to bed.

piano, chores, move, money, clothes, work

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