The Happiness Project

May 08, 2022 00:31

I forgot to mention that last night I dreamed that I was interested in four (!) different women, and was talking to my friends about which one I liked the best. They were all younger than me, which is not surprising because I'm an old fart.

I'm still on a quest to use up food that I have. I have some frozen edamame, and I found a recipe to make it as a snack or a a substitute for croutons.

Oh awesomesauce. I was looking for a replacement for my Billie razor because it was available only as a subscription and the refills piled up, so I canceled it. Now they sell them at Walmart!! Perfect! I really like the razor, just not the subscription.

Napped and got up around 10:30 AM. The girls wanted their snack because it has been hours since I fed them. Well, Zara was hungry. Mimi wasn't interested, maybe because I told her that she had the attention span of a gnat.

I was thinking about how positive my former boss is. He's getting laid-off, and he was busy chatting about his job leads. I need to work on that. There's a book called The Happiness Project that I'll look for at the library. I bought a workbook on positive thinking.

I'm thinking about what to do today. I want to do some work in the storage place. I want to make more chicken salad because it's tasty, it's a good lunch, and I want to use up the yogurt, celery, and onion that I have. I also want to make cookies. Plus, the girls need a couple more cans of chicken cat food, and I can get the Billie razor. (I think that I'll replace the old one because it's grotty.) I need to figure out what to wear because it's in the mid-60s F. Too warm for a coat; too cold for short-sleeves?

I want to make a grocery list, but Zara is on my lap. A Mommy's work is never done. (She got off. Done.)

I tried using the My Strengths app, but the video freezes on my phone. I'll try it online.

Ran the dishwasher. Got the cat maintenance tasks done and put litter in the clean litter box.

Now I'm thinking of staying home because I need to make the spinach pie tonight and go out tomorrow. I can clean. And I need to do a couple of hours of work.

Wow, it's going to be hot next week (80s and 90s F). Need to dig out my t-shirts. Also, I need to wash my light blanket because a cat barfed on it. I probably can put the rosemary and thyme outside. And maybe get a basil plant. And a dill. Hmm, Ace Hardware closes at 5 PM tomorrow.

I ordered some buttercrunch lettuce seeds and spinach seeds. I need to keep up on weeding though because my beds fill up with weeds instantly. They're already full! Hmm, I was going to skip growing tomatoes because I don't have great luck with them and I want to minimize the plants that I have to move or give away, but I saw a cherry tomato on eBay that I like.

Got the spinach pie in the oven. Dug out some summer clothes and threw them in the wash. Found some summer-weight cleaning clothes. The spinach pie was another winner. I don't know how the hospital taste-tests their recipes, but all I have tried have been delicious as well as good for you.

Talked to Mom. She's doing well and is enjoying the beautiful weather they've been having.

My credit score has bumped up, so I'm looking for ways to improve it. I almost have a high enough score to rent at an apartment near work, but I'd rather rent a house.

positive thinking, weather, to-do, moving, mimi, chores, zara, mom, food, dream, garden

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