
Apr 11, 2022 00:28

Italian started 10 minutes late, so I wound up skipping the Refuge Recovery session because I didn't want to start it late. Oh well. No Italian next week because of Easter.

Overslept my nap. Dashed out to get ingredients for the Cherry-Almond-Quinoa. I didn't get the ingredients for the carrot soup because I don't think that I'll have time to make ( Read more... )

food, tv, cooking, italian

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Comments 2

wpadmirer April 11 2022, 10:36:34 UTC
There's no real understanding of someone who kills themselves. Pat and I have had friends who have committed suicide. It's incredibly painful for those left behind, and I have learned we simply cannot fathom their depth of pain.


beauty_forashes April 11 2022, 15:14:32 UTC
I was pretty devastated at Anthony Bourdain's suicide but of course I didn't know him personally, and even if I had, nobody can look inside another person. I can't imagine the level of pain that drives a person to take their own life. I've lost three people I cherished to suicide over the years and it always throws open a load of questions that will never be answered.


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