
Apr 10, 2022 00:24

I did something to my left eye last night and it's bothering me. I'll close my eyes after breakfast.

I requested some of Denis Waitley's writing (mentioned by kensmind on LJ) from the library. Cool, the books have shipped already.

Mimi wanted some lap time, so I'm busy being a lap.

I dozed for a extra hour because having my eyes closed was helping my eye. It's feeling better.

I'm trying to decide what to do today. I need to study German and Italian. I'm pondering going for a walk or going to the gym to get exercise. And I need to go to Aldi. And I need to do laundry and work on the kitchen. Step 1: laundry.

I got my Fitbit connected to My Fitness Pal, which is costing money now. I guess that they have to make money somehow.

I joined a bunch of Reddit groups about yoga. And I subscribed to Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. I looked into yoga classes in Springfield, but I'd either have to bail out early in Mondays or skip piano on Tuesdays. And it's $20 a class plus the cost of gas. Hmm. Maybe it's better to wait until I move to Champaign.

I've decided to nix Ramen and make carrot soup and Cherry-Almond-Quinoa salad for lunches. And put frozen berries in my oatmeal instead of sugar-free syrup. I need to eat what I already have for dinners, however. And dame_grise on DW mentioned Refuge Recovery, a Buddhist approach to addiction, and they have online meetings about food. I'm going to try them. I think that I'm going to go to the store tomorrow because my eye is still bothering me, however.

I lay down for a while to rest my eye.

Studied German. Made strawberry muffins from a mix. They were pretty good.

Talked to Mom. She's feeling exhausted. Her doctor wants to give her the antibody treatment more slowly and see how it goes.

German went okay. We're studying the past perfect.

Now I'm going to eat something and study Italian.

losing weight, cooking, italian, mimi, chores, ouch, books, mom, food, yoga, exercise, german

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