A Good Day to Stay Home

Apr 03, 2022 00:12

I waited for my laundry to dry before taking a nap. Rain is coming our way. It's a good day to stay home and get things done.

I'm lying down for a nap. Mimi is stressed out because Zara is on the same bed! I tried to calm Mimi down, and it seems to have worked. Cats! Mimi apparently left though.

Really zonked out. The next thing that I knew, my alarm went off. Apparently I slept though the rain. Zara was rolling around on the bed looking relaxed, but I took one step towards the kitchen and zoom, she was there. I gave her her snack.

I never mentioned that my dad had a chance to join FedEx when it was first starting up as their CTO, but he turned it down because he didn't want to move to Memphis. I asked him if he ever regretted turning it down, and he said no, becoming filthy rich was never one of his goals. So there you have it.

Hmm. A local gym has Zumba classes, which I would have to pay for out of pocket, but I've always wanted to try it. I should find out how much it costs.

I found some Yoga studios in Champaign that I'd like to try. One has classes for 50+ people!

I found a nice Airbnb in downtown Memphis. No parking though; I'd have to pay to park in a lot.

Apparently I'm gearing up for a diet. I'm checking out cookbooks on Kindle Unlimited (though I'd want print versions to actually use them).

Showered my grungy bod. Made German flashcards. Now I have a crashing headache, so I'm going to lie down for a while after I feed the beasties. Couldn't sleep. Studied German.

Talked to Mom. She's doing well, although she's been sleeping a lot. She approves of my checking out Memphis after I explained what interested me. My aunt is in the hospital because her legs swelled up. The doctors and nurses are treating it, but they don't know why at this point.

I've decided not to go to Springfield tomorrow because I'd have to pay Best Buy to take my busted monitor, and I'd rather have it come out of my next paycheck.

German went well. My studying is paying off a little. Now I think I'll do the dishes and go to sleep.

diet, weather, memphis, mimi, chores, zara, mom, yoga, auntie a, exercise, german, dad

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