Barely Organized Chaos

Feb 22, 2022 23:07

Well, the day didn't start well. The water was out. It's now back on, so I can shower later.

The forecasters are predicting snow yet again on Thursday, so I called the vet and moved the cats' appointments on Friday up a week yet again. I hope that this is the last major snowstorm.

I'm seriously thinking of going back to the gym, maybe tomorrow because I need to go out and pick up a library book. I need to dig out my gym clothes and see if I still have the code for the door.

I've been poking around archaeologist_d's descriptions of her cool trips, and she mentioned CIE Tours of Ireland. So, I looked up the tour company, and they have a tour of Scotland and Ireland that I'd like to take. It isn't too horribly expensive either. There' s also a tour of England and a little Scotland that sounds good too.

Our piano teacher gave us a blues piece that I'm having problems with. I'm kind of glad because I often find what we're doing too easy. So, I'll work on it this week.

UPS is insisting that they will deliver my mop tonight, but I don't think so, given that it hasn't arrived yet. Tomorrow is fine.

Hmm. It's getting cold. I want to huddle under blankets, but it's still early.

How I do things: I looked for the code for the gym, and I think I found it. Then I was looking for the command strips to hang up my poster of Germany. I found the command hooks for the calendar, so I hung up the calendar. Then I cleaned off the table. I was putting away the COVID tests in the bedroom, when I remembered I needed to check my gym bag. I found that my gym clothes were laying out, and a cat had laid on them, so I threw them in the wash. Then I remembered I needed to wash my clothes, so I started a load of laundry. Then I went back to look for the command strips. I didn't find them, so I ordered more.

Barely organized chaos :)

piano, britain, aargh, weather, travel, gym

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