Here Comes Another Storm

Feb 16, 2022 22:37

Now they're saying a wintry mix and snow combination on Thursday. I need to get back to the grocery store today (I get paid today.) Now they're saying 3 to 5 inches of snow. I rescheduled my vet appointment on Friday to the following week to have more time to dig out. I'm trying to decide whether to have my mower guy dig me out or not.

I bought a commercial-grade mop and bucket on eBay. I hope that will keep me from scrubbing on my hands and knees. Booked my next two German lessons and paid my Italian teacher. Bought three books on Berlin.

I talked to Mom, who had an appointment with her oncologist yesterday. Her hemoglobin is too low again to get chemo. Her doctor is going to do a bone-marrow biopsy on Friday to find out why her body isn't making enough red blood cells. She also had another transfusion today.

Got my teeth cleaned at the dentist. And the rain started. Mailed a letter. Went to Dollar Tree, Aldi, and Walmart.

The cats were unhappy with me when I got home because they hadn't been fed yet. Dropped everything and remedied that. I exist to serve :) Now I'm sitting for a moment before I put the groceries away (done).

I'm tired, and the skating is tomorrow morning, so I'm going to go to sleep early.

weather, dentist, cleaning, italian, germany, errands, mom, cats, german

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