I Did Watch the Ice Dancing

Feb 13, 2022 01:12

I tackled the German pronunciation course. It's hard and assumes that you know some German. But I'm learning from it although I know almost nothing. I also printed off the lesson from last time and the chat. And I reviewed the Web page with pronunciation rules. I'm game for the lesson.

I finally found a name for my Etsy printables shop that hasn't been taken. I need to create stock for it first though, which is why I'm messing with Canva. The Udemy course is good though.

I stayed up 25 hours (except for a brief nap at lunch) to watch the ice dancing. I would only do that for ice dancing because I love it so much. Shaun White was in the audience, and some skaters asked for pictures with him. The top people were impossibly good. Now I'm going to collapse in a heap after feeding the cats.

Slept for three hours. Got up, fed the cats their lunchtime snack and did other cat chores. Ate. Now I'm going to lie down for two more hours and call it good. I'm probably going to hate myself tomorrow, but I can nap after Italian.

Poor Mimi stayed up with me and is exhausted. Zara, on the other hand, slept and is manic.

Slept for three hours. I've decided to go to the store tomorrow because the snow is supposed to be minor and it's freezing out now (wind chill of 6 F).

I can't find the charger for my Fitbit anywhere. I've pretty well torn my bedroom apart.

Talked to Mom. We were discussing the protest on the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, which is near her. She said that she asked her friend Kate, who lives on Vancouver Island, what the heck is going on with the Canadians. We also discussed politics in general and food. Mom is going to see her oncologist on Tuesday and will let me know what he says.

German went well. My teacher is challenging but keeps me learning. Pronunciation is still hard. And I'm learning to conjugate regular present tense.

Now I'm going to have soup and crash.

weather, etsy, olympics, mimi, zara, mom, cats, german, canva

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