Language Sounds

Dec 21, 2021 22:15

I don't really like the sound of Portuguese as much as I like Italian and French (the two languages that I've studied at length). People say that Italians sing the language rather than speak it. But the idea is to wander around Portugal and see if I might want to live there. I might take a tour to begin with. Go Ahead Tours has a tour for solo travelers. Hmm, I'm looking at a tour of Italy as well. Though actually I found a tour with a different company that I like better. Hmm, I found a tour with Rome, Pompeii, Capri, and Positano, but now I can't find it. I found one that was similar. Hmm, I'd probably save money booking that trip myself. I'll do some research.

I found more books on Portuguese at Powell's, but I'm going to wait to get them.

The uni has announced that we will work remotely until January 18th, and they will tell us more then. Holy cow. The first week of classes will be remote so that students have time to get COVID-tested.

I didn't actually get up early, but I got a good night's rest. I was sitting here lingering after breakfast, when I remembered I need to do laundry before I go out. I guess that I'll sit here longer while the clothes are in the washer. Fed the girls, and if you've seen lions pace back and forth when they're about to be fed, that's exactly what Zara does. She gets too excited to stand still.

I'm thinking that I'll do the Coursera Android App Development certificate this Spring.

Started watering the rosemary and thyme. Mimi jumped up and started harassing the thyme. I told her to cut it out. Scrubbed a litter box. Took clothes out of the dryer and started making a pile of stuff to pack. Mimi was lying in my suitcase, so I want to wipe it off. Put another load of clothes in the dryer.

Started making a packing list, and this time I remembered to put the charger for my Fitbit on the list. (I forgot it last time.)

Ran out and dropped some stuff at storage and grabbed my snow shovel. The laundromat's change machine wasn't working, but it occurred to me I could go to the credit union. Got my COVID test done. Ran to the credit union and got quarters. Washed my car and vacuumed it. As it turns out, I didn't need the extra quarters because the vacuums were only 50 cents for 4 minutes. Got soda and munchies for the trip. Picked up Zara's prescription. I tried turning Sirius on again but still no.

Talked to Mom. She bought the girls a flopping fish for Christmas, and she wanted to know how they liked it. Both of them checked it out, but it scared Mimi when the fish would move. I'm going to bring the fish so Mom can see it flop.

The weather is looking good for my trip. And I have a negative COVID test, good.

Printed off some Web pages about Italian future tense and direct objects to peruse at my mom's house. My teacher still hasn't sent the handouts. He's busy because of Christmas-the nerve :)

Got my box of books and Mom's basket out in the car. I need to wash what I have on, so I think that I'll get in pajamas (done) and putter around. I think that I'll go to sleep early as soon as the wash is in the dryer and get up early to pack my suitcase. One problem with living in a mobile home is that the entire place shakes when the washer spins, and I'm thinking EARTHQUAKE!
x-posted from Dreamwidth

portuguese, italian, plants, mom, work, cats, car, weather, classes, mimi, zara, errands, italy, travel, languages, coronavirus

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