Shopping Among the Unmasked

Dec 19, 2021 22:43

I threw the I-Ching, and it was very positive about my learning Portuguese for what it's worth.

Italian went well. We were studying direct objects and (yay) future tense! That will help in conversation. My Italian teacher is into Eastern philosophy and went to a meditation retreat, so we talked about that a little. He also speaks Tibetan!

Got squared away with the pet sitter. Found the light bulbs for my porch; I had put them in Mom's basket. I put Mom's goodies in the basket, and it's a perfect size. I just need a bow for it.

Had a nice nap. Fed the girls. Zara seems to think that her jumping on the counter makes food appear, so she makes the circuit several times, launching herself off of me each time. Sigh.

I made a to-do list. At 7 PM. Better late than never.

It occurred to me that making a foreign language Web site would be a great way to make passive income. I'll have to ponder a new spin on an English-language learning site. I'm sure getting practice in foreign-language learning.

Got item #1 done: got the garbage out. And called in Zara's prescription. I need to run errands now, but there's frost on my windshield. Ugh.

Ran errands. Got the rest of the money for the pet sitter. Went shopping among the unmasked; the only other mask I saw was on a Walmart worker. Got some food and a nice red velvet bow for Mom's basket. I'll take a picture of it somewhere along the line. The pet sitter wanted the rest of the money early to do Christmas shopping, which annoyed me slightly, but I texted her and she's coming over to get it.

I don't know why I've been cranky lately. I have a lot to be thankful for. I'm on a paid vacation from a good job.

Stopped my mail. I'm trying to convince myself to clean, but all I want to do is veg. Ordered some disposable masks to keep in the car from Walgreens.

I looked at European Portuguese grammar books, but sheesh, expensive, so I wish-listed them. There also is a book that compares French and Italian grammar that I'd like to get.

I'm thinking of just having some pie and going to bed. Maybe I'll study some Portuguese first. I don't think that I'll motivate myself to clean this late at night. Tomorrow is house-cleaning day.

Added: I snagged a copy of Colloquial Portuguese on eBay.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

chores, errands, zara, mom, portuguese, languages, italian

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