Alpha Beta Gamma Delta

Oct 04, 2021 00:55

I kind of want a map of Greece too, to go with my map of Italy. I learned the geography of Italy by staring at my map. I installed an app to learn the Greek alphabet.

Italian went well. My teacher asked me if I had studied Italian before starting the class, which is a good sign. We're going to study past tense next week, which is new and not review.

It's a dark and rainy afternoon. A good afternoon for a nap.

I opened up my closet door for Zara because I'd rather have her in there than in the litter box. So far, she hasn't noticed that it's open. Mimi is in there.

Overslept my nap. I kind of want to make veggie bake as well as soup, but I probably need more tomatoes. I bought them a couple of weeks ago, before I screwed up my leg. I'll make a grocery list. Oh, I need a zucchini too. And I also need to return library books. (I didn't have time last night.)

Zara is on my lap, grooming herself. Yay. I'm trying to explain to her that I need to get up to feed them, but she's not grasping that. Finally, she jumped off. I studied some Greek letters while they ate.

Saved an article about retiring in Panama, although I'll probably retire in the States. Spanish is supposed to be easy for Italian speakers to learn. I also read an article about people who retired in Portugal, which interests me more.

Remembered that today is garbage day, so I emptied the bathroom garbage cans. My leg hurts.

Ack! The New York Times is recommending an $80 pair of slippers. Their "budget pick" is $50. Right. Hmm. I found slippers on eBay for $22.50. Mine are getting ratty so maybe. (eBay is my shopping place of choice for shoes.) I found a cheap pair of cozy slippers at Walmart. Even better. I'm ready for winter!

Dropped off my library books. The person who knows how to check out books at my old workplace wasn't there (or she was driving a different car) so I didn't go in. I got my veggies. It's a little late to make the veggie bake, but I'll do some chopping so that I can just throw it together tomorrow. Oh, maybe not. I need to go to bed.

Mimi is hanging out on my lap while I recover from shopping. She's nice and warm :) I got Harlee's old water dish for Zara. It's like a water cooler, so she'll have fresh water all day long.

There are some people offering "affordable" group online Greek lessons, so I'm going to roll with it and contacted them. We'll see what happens.

Time to crash.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

greek, weather, greece, cooking, harlee, italian, mimi, zara, errands, food, retirement

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