
Sep 11, 2021 22:57

Cool, I got my new Perl book. I hope that I'll have time to work with it one of these days.

Mimi is asleep on a reusable bag, and I hate to wake her up. Speaking of bags, I need to find a place to recycle bags because I have a big bag of plastic bags, and I don't think that Walmart has their bag recycling container up. Maybe there's a place in Champaign.

I'm up early. It's hard to believe that it's been 20 years since 9/11. I watched a feed of some of the reading of names in New York. I was wishing that the country could come together like it did after 9/11, but remembering that time, people were fighting about what it meant and what should be done. We need more solidarity, but it's not going to happen.

I remember that day quite vividly. I was in California and still asleep when most of the events happened. My mom called and left a message, saying that she was okay, but you'll find a lot has happened when you get up. I called her back and found out what happened. Then I emailed my boss at the time, saying that I was glued to the news, but I'll come in for the all-hands meeting. Well, the meeting and work that day got canceled. The CEO of the startup that I worked for said that if anyone needed to take the Golden Gate Bridge home, they would pay for a hotel for them. There was worry that the bridge would be a target.

Had a nice nap. Ate lunch. And hmm, I'm feeling sleepy again. I did suck it up and tackled my homework. Ran into a snag and emailed my instructor. Ran to the store to pick up oatmeal and milk.

Talked to Mom. She's feeling cranky and frustrated and old. She thinks that, if she has to have surgery, it would be better if I came after she got out of the hospital. But it this point, we don't even know if she'll have to have surgery.

Oh. No Italian tomorrow. I can sleep in. But I think that I'm going to sleep soon. I just want to read my next programming assignment so that my subconscious can work on it while I sleep.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

9/11, classes, italian, mimi, book, errands, mom, perl

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