Metarie, LA?

Aug 31, 2021 23:14

Hmm. Houses are cheaper in Metarie, LA than New Orleans proper, and there's a bus that goes to New Orleans from there, taking 45 minutes. Driving is 15 minutes, and there's a parking lot at the edge of the French Quarter. Something to think about. Metarie also has a lakefront trail, which I'd like. There's also a Unitarian Church that's in New Orleans and that's close to Metarie. I'd rather live in New Orleans though, of course. I want to get The Insider's Guide to New Orleans because, no matter what I do for retirement, I'm sure to go back there. Love New Orleans.

I also checked how long a drive it is from New Orleans to Orlando (9 hours) for a yearly Disney/Universal trip. There also is a train that takes 48 hours. And I found an Orlando hotel for $79 a night. Who knows how expensive Disney will be at that point though :)

There's a big honking storm outside. Good. It'll water my garden. My potatoes are still growing like weeds. I wonder how many potatoes I'll get out of them.

Hmm. I was eyeing a programming bookcamp that includes mobile app development, but I can get a computer science degree for free through the university system. I wonder if someplace has a certificate in mobile app development. Yes, a community college has one online, but I've missed it for this year.

Got to get cracking on cleaning. I've been working on the kitchen. I've decided to clean the back half of the place (TV room and guest bathroom) plus the kitchen tonight and get the bedroom and bathroom floor over lunch tomorrow.

Okay, I'm wiping out, so I'm going to go to sleep and get up early.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

weather, new orleans, programming, cleaning, metarie

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