Aug 03, 2021 23:10
I was feeling shaky and headachy and tired, so I emailed in sick after an hour of work. Two of my colleagues sent me emails saying that they hoped that I would feel better. They are so nice. And then I lay down. Napped for a couple of hours and got up for my knitting class.
The knitting class was an exercise in frustration. And my low frustration tolerance came in to play. The teacher had me dump what I had done and start over. Actually, I started over a couple of times. Then I got a couple of rows of decent knitting. Then she taught me to purl, and I had a really tough time learning that. If I see someone do something, I often can't replicate it. But I started to get the hang of purling near the end. My end result had some visible mistakes, but it looked more like what you expect knitting to look like than the last time. She wants me to practice for a couple of weeks and then send her an email, and she'll set up another session.
Had some lunch and got orange juice drippings all over me. Started getting a headache again, so I decided to skip piano class. Took another nap.
I was looking for another book on how to deal with low frustration tolerance and found another cognitive-behavioral therapy book. Got it for the Kindle.
Woke up and lounged in bed for a while, only to find Zara staring at me, telling me she's hungry. I told her to give me ten more minutes.
I'm starting on my grocery list for tomorrow and am trying to figure out what to make the rest of the week. Maybe peanut butter chicken? I need to thaw chicken breasts then.
Found a book with some knitting patterns for dishcloths that I'd like to try. I also found a yarn shop in Champaign that has a knitting group that meets on Saturdays.
Watched a ton of the Olympics: men's high bar gymnastics, track and field, women's balance beam gymnastics, and men's springboard diving. So much for the evening :) Oh, and they showed the UK platform diver knitting in the stands. I've seen some of what he's made and he's really good :)
Put a litter box on to soak. Submitted a grocery pickup for tomorrow. I'm really thirsty, so I'm going to go drink some water. And get to bed early. I need to pick up Zara's meds tomorrow as well as the groceries.
x-posted from Dreamwidth