Mind Your Peas and Carrots

Aug 01, 2021 23:48

Hmm. I've cleaned off the table, and it's only 12:15 AM. Maybe I'll work on my psych workbooks. It seems a little late to exercise. Did a Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) exercise. Watched the women's springboard diving final.

Ugh. Got up on time for Italian, but my stomach is upset.

No Italian. I was the only student who showed up. My teacher is going to get confirmation from the others for next week. Anyway, that gives me time for a nap. Maybe after I have some Ramen.

I've discovered that I can pay bills from my phone. Excellent.

Had a nice nap. Got the garbage out and watered the garden. I have a small pea plant growing and the beans are blooming. Some lettuce is starting to come up. I was going to plant carrots, but I got the shakes, and I decided to eat something.

My voice lesson went well. My teacher is good at pulling out good performances from me, even if she spent the first 20 minutes ranting about someone who was putting down opera. (She's an opera singer.)

NBC isn't rebroadcasting the gymnastics, so I guess that I'll go out and plant carrots (done). I bought some new bags for the potatoes; the ones that I previously got on eBay were tiny. This time I checked how many gallons they were.

Then they broadcasted the gymnastics, and I watched most of it with Mimi climbing on me. ("That's a perfect lap position from Mimi, but watch out for the dismount.")

Ran out to get food! And money for the mower guy. I'm set for part of the upcoming week anyway. I need to do laundry. I'm trying to figure out what else to do while it's going.

I was tired, so I started setting goals for the month and week. And I got involved in it, so I forgot to put my laundry in the dryer when I was done. Oops. I might have to go to sleep while it's still drying. I think that my goal setting will be useful though.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

singing, olympics, italian, mimi, errands, chores, cbt, voice, garden, goal setting

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