Ugh. Hot.

May 19, 2021 23:24

I'm driving the people at eSalon crazy. At first, I asked for a darker color next time, but now I like the color that they sent, so I asked them to change it back. The "colorist" is probably muttering about me. When I see my mom, I'll ask her opinion on whether it should be darker or not.

Another kind of gray and sleepy day, but no rain. I wound up napping during lunch instead of making my veggie lasagna.

Planted my new basil. It had been pot-bound, so it's probably stretching its roots and going, "Aaah!" I hope that it's happier than the old basil. I'm wondering if I should get some rosemary, but I don't have a pot for it. Chicken with fresh rosemary sounds good though.

I have a hungry cat (Zara) in my face. She will not let me forget about her! I fed them and made some risotto for myself. The plastic container, which I thought was microwave-safe, warped during the cooking. Oh well.

My joints have been hurting today (fingers and elbows). Not sure what's going on. I'm trying to get the energy together to run errands. All I really need right now is soda, but I might as well run my other errands to save a trip later (and save gas and the planet and all that). I'm feeling kind of low energy and low affect.

I finally got myself out. Picked up my meds ($30? Yikes.) Got soda at Dollar Tree. (I flew in because it was late, grabbed my soda and went.) Got lunchmeat at Walmart. While I was at Walmart, I kept on hearing what I thought was a TV show, and it was loud and annoying. I heard it in the parking lot, all through the store, and out in the parking lot. I went into my car and shut the door and STILL heard it. Then I dug out my phone. My phone had purse-dialed YouTube and was merrily playing videos. No doubt people thought that I was the asshole for listening to videos in the store. Sorry people.

Came home and threw in laundry. Turned on the a/c, and it did turn on so it's hot in here. (It was a high of 78 F today, and tomorrow is supposed to be a lot hotter.) The heat is not helping my energy levels.

Set up the veggie lasagna. Now it's cooling (the sauce is hot) before I put it in the fridge. Then tomorrow I can just put it in the crock pot and turn it on. My laundry is in the dryer too. I'm hot.

Time to crash soon.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

weather, cooking, zara, errands, ouch, chores, food, hair, garden

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