Mom's Visit Day 3

Apr 16, 2021 23:03

Mom was upset about the shooting in Indiana, and we discussed the world's ills. We're pessimistic about anything actually getting done to help. We're not even sure what will help. Mom also decided that she's not going to stop by my aunt's house to pick up her cane after all. She's assuming that she'll come back to check on my aunt in the not-too-distant future and will pick it up then. Neither of us is really fond of Chicago at this point.

I'm worried about Zara because she's picking at her food. Now Mimi is eating Zara's food. Sigh. Like herding cats. Now Zara ate the rest of her food. Maybe I should train Mimi to go after Zara's food so that she'll eat it. Someone threw up too. I'm going to keep an eye on Zara over the weekend and call the vet on Monday if necessary.

My mom is keeping her bathroom door closed because she has a plant in there. I went in there after some paper towels and walked in on her using the toilet. Oops. She came out later and asked if I needed to use it.

I did clean my tub out.

Ran out with Mom to pick up some library books. Than we hit up some garden shops :) Mom found several "deer-resistant" plants. (The deer wreak havoc in her garden.) I got a basil, oregano, tomato, and Italian parsley. I need to hit up the shops again in a couple of weeks to get dill, mint, and maybe a "patio" tomato.

We also ate in a restaurant. It's the first time for me in over a year. The food was good. Mom had a BLT, and I had biscuits and gravy.

Zara is eating with gusto tonight. Good. The idea of giving Zara subcutaneous fluids strikes terror in my heart. She doesn't cooperate with anything remotely medical. Or anything that she doesn't like.

Paid some bills. Also submitted a transfer of funds from my deposit account to my Italy fund. And changed my computer background to Venice. Ordered Zara some tuna k/d food. I hope that she likes it. Mom suggested mixing it with Fancy Feast to get her to eat it.

We had a repeat of Shake and Shake for dinner. A zillion calories but oh, so good. Now I'm in a food coma.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

shopping, mimi, zara, errands, mom, food, travel, garden

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