Mar 25, 2021 23:31
I ordered an "I got the shot" button from Etsy because why not. Maybe it'll inspire someone else to get vaccinated. Or not.
It always amazes me how much more perky I am in the afternoon than in the morning. I suppose that it's not surprising given that I'm a night person. And I'm even more perky during the evening. Good for me getting things done during the evening and bad for getting to sleep on time.
I've been feeling a little dizzy so I'm drinking water in case I'm dehydrated. It would be good if I could go to the public library to pick up books and the grocery store for roast beef. No, I'm feeling like I might have a slight fever? I'm staying home. Plus it's raining, and there is a wind advisory.
Zara just had a major case of the zoomies. I have some packing material that I need to throw out, and she pounded through it, onto me, onto the counter, and did the loop a few times. She's the only cat whom I've known who gets manic when she eats. She's finally settled down. She's not happy that I corralled the packing material into a garbage bag.
The Great Courses had a music theory class on sale, so I got it. Like I have lots of time for it, but I will this summer. Just need to get through the first half of May. They also have "How to Listen to and Understand Great Music" on sale, but I can't afford it right now. Presumably it'll be on sale sometime again.
My voice teacher wanted me to learn the tune of the Italian song without the words. I'm finding it very difficult. I can even pick the melody out on the piano but am having a hard time memorizing it. I've also listened to a recording of the song, and I wound up memorizing the few words that are in English. We'll see what she says tomorrow.
I actually remembered to put clothes in the dryer (which is good because I had no clean clothes). And I practiced voice, guitar, and piano. After some struggles and looking up how to read tablature, I managed to learn a G major scale on the guitar. Go me.
x-posted from Dreamwidth
circadian rhythm,