Music Lessons

Mar 02, 2021 22:43

Had my first group music reading and piano lessons. The instructors were great. And I was playing with both hands! Woo-hoo. The beginning piano instructor said that she hoped that I'd be back next week. Will do. :)

Now I'm mulling over taking one-to-one lessons with both instructors. The "how to read music" instructor teaches singing. (She's an opera singer.) And the piano teacher teaches, well, piano. Need to look into their availability.

I was still hungry after dinner, so I nuked some spinach with garlic in a Parmesan cream sauce. Oh, was that ever good. Must buy more.

Had some snuggle time with Miss Zara, who wanted my spinach (well, the cheese sauce), but decided to snuggle after I put the food away. Love my Z.

Now I want to study some Italian before bed. And install Anki so that I can make Italian flashcards (done).

I'm feeling strangely contented.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

piano, zara, food, music, voice, italian

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