The Family Saga Continues

Feb 27, 2021 22:48

I have a morning routine, of course. But on the weekends, I kind of putter my way through it. I enjoy lazy mornings.

The digital piano is clean, up, and running! Yay! But I need to find instructions for it because it also operates as a player piano, which I did to test it, but I couldn't figure out how to turn it off! I love the fact that I've been hauling the digital piano all over the country, and it still works, which is one advantage of a digital one. (A pianist friend of mine disdainfully referred to it as "it" though :)) Maybe whenever I'm able to buy a house, I'll get an acoustic one.

The piano lessons will serve a dual purpose because now I really want to declutter the area near the piano before my first lesson. Plus I want to find my music books, most of which are in storage, so I'll need to go through them to find them (and cull my books in the process).

Hmm. I'm debating whether to go to the store tonight or not. I'd like to grab a box of books from storage to start project book, but I don't want to go to the storage place after dark because I'd kill myself. (The unit isn't lighted.) On the other hand, I could go to the store tonight and just to the storage place after Italian tomorrow. And I'm almost out of diet root beer, the horror. Now I'm thinking of going to the store tomorrow. I have lots of stuff to do.

Both classes are preparing for midterms, which helps me, but I have some labs to hand in. I got all my math stuff organized to study. (It was a lot easier when I had a book, but oh well, free PDF.)

Mom called and poured her heart out to me. She's in Chicago helping my aunt. My aunt has been putting her though hell, and my mom had to fight back a couple of times. (Good for her. She has a problem with conflict and yelling, and my aunt is a yeller.) aunt is now in the hospital with heart problems. And the test that indicates cancer is elevated. My mom said that she had no idea where this was going to go. And who knows if my aunt is going to have hip surgery on Monday (which is why my mom is there). What a mess.

Mom had to get off of the phone because someone was calling, and she said that she'd call me back. I still haven't eaten dinner. I think that I'll post while I'm waiting for the call. Mom called back. Now my aunt is officially admitted to the hospital. (I hadn't realized that she wasn't before.) Mom and I talked briefly and signed off.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

piano, errands, decluttering, mom, auntie a, classes

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