In Too Deep

Feb 16, 2021 19:42

I forgot to put my clothes in the dryer. Crud. Today for sure.

My tenure at A New and Ancient Story might be short. There are a lot of anti-vaxxers there. Okay, I disagree, but it's their choice. But someone posted an article in which a doctor explained why she was pro-vaccine. And someone commented that the author of the article "was brainwashed by science". Now to get a login to this site, we have to affirm that we'll respect others' opinions and treat them with respect. But only if you agree with them? I think that there is a purpose for a group that listens to each other's stories and support one another, but this might not be that group.

Crud. Well the snow was deeper than it looked. I tried to get out and get Zara's prescription food samples, but I got stuck. Some nice guys pushed my car out, but it that point, it was too late to go to the vet, so I pulled back in. I have a credit for mowing, so I asked the mower guy, who also does snow removal, if he could clear my driveway. He said that he'd put me on the list. He didn't get to it today, but that's okay.

Zara's feeling better or warmer or hungrier because she came into the kitchen and stalked my burger. Back off, cat :)

Diet root beer and cream is the bomb. Makes a nice fizzy dessert.

I'm trying to convince myself to make a quiche because I'll be out of lunchmeat tomorrow and don't know when I'll be able to get out. But I'm really too tired. (I stupidly stayed up too late last night.) If I go to sleep at 8 PM, I might be able to get up early enough to make the quiche in the morning, although I have an 8 AM meeting.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

chores, zara, food, weather, cooking, a new and ancient story

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