Clean, Clean, Clean

Jan 25, 2021 22:46

We're getting the snow part of the "wintry mix". It looks like a snow globe outside. Now it's getting wet and gloppy.

I found a used Kate Spade purse on eBay. I'm not into designer stuff, but it's a nice big attractive bag. Need to think about it.

Cleaned the bathroom. It looks nice. Cleaned up the bedroom, and Mimi was annoyed because I changed the sheets. Don't I know that it's her bed, and she shouldn't be disturbed?

I'm boiling, and my eyes are bothering me because of bleach cleaner fumes. Yeah, I would like some cheese with my whine.

Washed the bathroom and bedroom floors.

I made a discovery. Bourbon Brothers Garlic Parmesan Chicken is 0 net carbs and is pretty good. The only thing that it is too much food for dieting, but you could get two meals out of it with some veggies. It's refrigerated rather than frozen, so it requires some planning ahead. Or I could freeze it myself.

I'm working on the kitchen but took a break to do a quiz. I'll be handing in the homework late, but it can't be helped. Quizzes can't be made up though. I think that I'll post given that I'm on the computer.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

food, weather, classes, clothes, cleaning

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