Christmas Day

Dec 25, 2020 21:07

Oh groovy. I'm having $100 per paycheck direct deposited to my savings account. I don't even see it. And it works. I need to create a graphic of my savings to keep motivated.

Had a nice lie-in, as the Brits say. Good thing that I'm not going anywhere because it's still cold out.

Litter wars. Zara kicks litter out of the litter box, and Mimi, who isn't the brightest bulb in the pack, says, "Kitty litter," and pees there. I need to sweep there every day, but I haven't been doing so.

The U of I will reimburse me for the membership fee for a weight-loss group. I'm mulling over joining Noom. It might be better if I waited until after we're working on-site again with less temptations, but I suppose that I could load my home up witn healthy snacks.

I'm looking at getting a Leonie Dawson planner this year. Done. I was doing them for a few years but stopped. This thing is that I need to make time to review them as well as fill one out.

I requested a library book called Finish What You Start. I need it in my personal life, but I'm much more disciplined at work.

I'm feeling chilled. I'm trying to convince myself to go dye my hair, but I don't like the idea of taking my clothes off. $%&! Winter! Decided to soak and scrub a litter box first so that I can clean the tub while my hair dye is working.

Oh sheesh. I couldn't find my carry-on bag and looked all over the place. It was in my bedroom with a pair of pants that had fallen off of a hanger draped over it.

What the bleepity bleep did I do with the netbook? I could bring the Lousy Laptop, but want to travel light. Yes, I need to clean and organize stuff. This is what happens, though, when I stay home and don't travel. Love travel; hate the running around beforehand.

The Christmas pizza is done baking. It looks and smells good. It was good. Now I'm in a food coma.

Well hmm. I was supposed to talk to Mom tonight, but she isn't answering her phone. I guess that I'll wait a little while to see if she calls back, but I'm thinking about going to bed.

Mom called me back. Apparently, they had a bunch of people come by and then last one just left. Mom wanted to get my train number and such and not really talk.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

diet, planning, mimi, zara, book, mom, food, travel, saving money

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