A Whole Lot of Rest and Not Much Else

Dec 12, 2020 22:16

My new boss's boss sent us popcorn and chocolate. That was nice.

It's nice to be able to relax and not scramble to get to work. Yay weekend! Got us all fed. Ate some popcorn, and it was good.

Napped. I'm trying to decide if I should eat and throw myself together. I don't know if I'll be talking to my mom tonight or not. Things get weird when she's at my aunt's house. Now I'm thinking of staying in and going out tomorrow because I need to pick up a prescription. I'm out of bread, but I can deal with it.

I really want another nap, but I wonder if I'd be able to get to bed early if I took one. My prescription is ready, so I could go out now. I napped.

Got my lazy butt into the shower. Found my Christmas cookie recipe. Cleaned out part of the refrigerator to make room for chilled cookie dough. Took out the garbage.

Started to make the cookie dough, but realized that I didn't put the butter out to soften. Bother. I did find my hand mixer though.

Talked to Mom. Uncle Art is doing well--they even gave him a walker--but he's on morphine for the pain from the surgery and is confused. My aunt can barely walk and is in a lot of pain. The doctors don't have her pain shot scheduled yet. Mom had infected legs and had to spend the day at the hospital getting an MRI. Now she's on antibiotics. Mom says that it's hard to stay in someone else's house.

I just feel like going to sleep. I'll bake cookies tomorrow.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

uncle art, mom, sleep, new job, auntie a, baking

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