No Cookies Tonight

Nov 28, 2020 23:38

Another late start. (I had problems falling asleep.) I'm going to hate myself next week.

The boots have shipped. Awesome.

Got laundry going. Napped while my clothes dried.

Our public library has closed except for curbside pickup. Things are getting scary.

Ran to get soda and milk. I wanted to get more gold spray for my star cookies, but they had only silver. I guess gold and silver stars are okay.

Talked to Mom. The hospital is talking about surgery on my uncle early next week, but their x-ray machine is out, and they need to do an x-ray first. Mom is wondering if she should go to Chicago, but she has doctor's appointments and other things to get done.

Then we discussed cookies, and Mom thought that I had a cookie press, which I don't have. So I need to look for another recipe. Found one. It's similar to the one Mom gave me, but you chill the dough in the refrigerator after rolling it out. It also suggests almond extract, so I'll get some tomorrow.

I guess that I'll wrap presents and write cards tonight. And get to sleep earlier. Also, I need to gather library books to return tomorrow.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

christmas, sleep, errands, chores, uncle art, mom, baking, clothes, coronavirus

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