Thanksgiving Day

Nov 26, 2020 23:04

I started looking at housekeepers for when I start the new job. I need to declutter first though.

Mom called to wish me a Happy Thanksgiving and to tell me about Uncle Art. I feel like the wind was knocked out of my sails, but I'm sure that I'll bounce back. She loves the idea of the turkey-and-stuffing casserole, but she still thinks that it sounds like work.

Zara was sleeping in, but now she's up. She cracks me up when I feed her. She gets excited and runs back and forth.

Napped. Had a dream that I was closing a dorm for Break, but students kept on saying that they needed more time, and someone said that the dorms were open until 10 when they closed at 5. Then I woke up.

Put the turkey breast tenderloins in the oven, which is the first step. They'll need to cool after cooking, so I'll be eating late, but that's okay. Printed off the casserole recipe.

I'm wondering if I should join Hulu to see Happiest Season. I can afford it, but need to see what else I could get with Hulu. Okay, subscribed. I mulled over adding HBO Max, but I don't watch TV that much, so why spend the money? Hulu has Rocky Horror, so I might watch it for kicks. It's been what, 40 years since I last saw it?

The turkey tenderloins look a little pink, but the meat thermometer says that they're done. Now the casserole is in the oven. For some reason, I thought that it cooked for an hour, but it's only 20 minutes, so I'll wait for it. And then watch The Crown while I eat (which is wrong somehow, but there it is).

Zara was licking the pan in which I cooked the turkey tenderloins. I took it away from her and put it in the dishwasher.

I'm feeling a lot more perky.

Ate dinner and watched two more episodes of The Crown. There's just one left, so I'm thinking of watching it tonight. I should bake cookies first though. No, I cleaned up the kitchen and got everything laid out to make cookies, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow to make them. I've done enough cooking for tonight. So I'll go watch the last episode of The Crown.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

mom. uncle art, thanksgiving, cooking, cleaning, zara, decluttering, tv, dream

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