It Was a Dark and Stormy Day

Nov 25, 2020 23:40

Crud. I forgot to pick up my prescription last night. I'll need to run and get it today.

Had some problems falling asleep. I finally got up and ate some oatmeal, which did the trick. Kept on waking up periodically.

Did a load of laundry.

It's dark and gloomy out. Had a nice nap in the dark. Why does Mimi lie in the middle of my side of the bed? I need to contort myself to get my legs around her. ("Because cat".)

Good. The rain has stopped.

Mom called with an update on my uncle. They think that he has a duodenal ulcer, and they're doing a biopsy of it. They gave him another unit of blood but aren't sure where he's bleeding.

Threw myself together and got my meds. I also bought an AM/PM pill organizer so that I can get better track of my meds.

I was thinking that I couldn't bake cookies tonight because I forgot to put the butter out to soften. But Google says that it takes butter only a half-hour to an hour to get to room temperature. I'd like to make one batch tonight. I'll eat dinner and watch The Crown first. Or maybe I'll go to bed after The Crown and bake tomorrow. I'm feeling tired.

Zara is currently up on my shoulders. I am cat furniture.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

sleep, weather, mimi, chores, zara, errands, uncle art, mom, tv

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