House Rules

Nov 14, 2020 23:23

Well, I slept a good long time. I needed it. Threw in a load of laundry. Zara is telling me that she's hungry! A quiet morning at home :)

Sheesh. Mimi used a litter box, and Zara promptly had to use the same box. Zara, Mimi doesn't want to share boxes! It's the battle of the boxes, played out in pee.

Oh hell. The US is up to 184,000 new COVID cases a day. I'm afraid to see how this plays out.

Oh yeah. The Crown's new season starts on Sunday! Awesome!

The forecast is for a wind advisory and rain. Ugh. It's getting dark in here. Need to run out and get milk, bread, and cheese.

Mimi thinks that I lie down in bed to pet and snuggle with her. I explained that the House Rules are that Mommy gets to take a nap on her day off. She's not convinced. Had a nice nap.

Ate and threw myself together. Ran to the grocery stores.

Talked to Mom. Apparently my aunt is over her snit and is talking to my mom again, so she suggested that I call her. Otherwise, the numbers on my mom's lab tests are good.

I'm more seriously pricing a Maui vacation. Airfares have gone up. Sigh.

I'm going to go to bed early but read for a while. I need to start getting up earlier for the new job.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

sleep, weather, mimi, chores, zara, errands, mom, new job, auntie a, tv, coronavirus

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