Happy Halloween

Oct 31, 2020 23:30

I started rereading The Ship Who Sang right after finishing it, so I ordered it from Amazon. I need a stash of books to read when I want something that isn't demanding.

Woke up this morning at 11:30 to find a text from mower guy saying that he'd be here soon. I left the money for him under the doormat. Okay. He is mowing.

Printed out my recipe for veggie lasagna. It takes 5 hours in the slow cooker, so I'll set it up after my nap. Had a nice nap.

Watched a video about someone at CNN who's Asian-American who was targeted by three racial incidents in a row at an airport. It reminded me of how I got flack in grade school for having almond-shaped eyes. Some people never grow up apparently.

Got my COVID-approved method of distributing candy set up: a bowl by my steps. No one took any candy, so I have lots of Reese's peanut butter cups.

Set up the veggie lasagna and started it cooking in the crockpot. Cleaned up after it and loaded the dishwasher.

Got groceries at Aldi, a pickup order from Walmart, and Dollar Tree.

Talked to Mom. She said that everyone was sending thoughts and prayers to me about the new job, which is nice. She's nervous about the election.

I can't find my car registration and tags. Last I saw, it was on the freezer, but I don't see it now. Zara could have knocked it off, but I looked all around the freezer. I might have to get replacements. Found it. It had fallen on the floor.

Need to do homework. Thank goodness for the extra hour tonight.

Oh crud. I just realized that I need to pay bills too. Okay, done (breaking speed records).

I threw the online I-Ching about the "dream job," and got:

Heaven and Earth embrace, giving birth to Peace.
The Superior Person serves as midwife, presenting the newborn gift to the people.

The small depart; the great approach.
Good fortune.

I'll hold that thought.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, book, aargh, mom, classes, halloween

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