All About Nothing

Oct 04, 2020 01:58

Woke up around 1 PM. Ordered some cat food from Amazon. Got us all fed. Zara was on the top shelf of the bookcase, and I fed her on the second shelf. It took her a while to figure out how to get on the second shelf by jumping onto the digital piano. She also knocked down her water dish last night. I retrieved it and filled it, and Zara has been drinking a ton of water.

It's gray and lightly rainy out. A good day for a nap.

My community college was giving gift bags to its students. I thought that I might not get one because I live in Lincoln. But I did. There's a little notebook, a ball, and some munchies in there.

Talked to Mom. We had nothing to talk about but managed to talk about nothing for two hours. My uncle is supposed to come home from the hospital this week, but he hasn't been walking much and has a catheter, and my aunt is wondering how to take care of him.

Fed the girls and myself. Zara was draped over my shoulder for a while. She also tried to steal a bite of bread.

Lay down for a little while but didn't sleep. I'm going to get ready for bed and get up early.
x-posted from Dreamwidth
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