Aug 27, 2020 02:27
I started on LJ in a journal with a different name, adriennerad, in the year 2000. I started in October, so my first entry was the closest to today's date:
You've got to bitch and moan...
...To get anything in this life. I dropped an online class at SJSU 2.5 weeks ago because the information on how to access the class went to the wrong address. (My professor told me to drop the class.) I called them because they hadn't given me a refund yet. When I called, they said that they would credit my credit card account "today", but that they were going to refund only 75% of what I paid because I dropped the class late. I screeched, and they're giving me a full refund. Grandma Val would be proud-;)
I think I'm going to start updating this Live Journal as an adjunct to my weekly journal.
I need to run errands soon even though I'm feeling achy, queasy, and flu-y.
I started this journal in 2001. The entry on today's date in 2001 (hey, a double header!):
After reading what's going on with pageeater, everything I can think of is trivial. For what it's worth, I got the faucets, and will probably install them over the long weekend next weekend. I left my lights on, and had to call AAA to have my car jump-started. Because I leave my lights on fairly regularly, and am likely to remain absentminded, I bought a jump-starter (storage battery) for my car.
That's about it.