Errand and Italian Day

Jul 25, 2020 00:11

Hmm. Salem and Eugene, OR, don't seem to have a lot of COVID cases. If I did travel, that might be the place to go. I looked at hotels. I could probably do the trip for around $1000. Good to know. I was mulling over whether to check out some 55+ places in Portland. I'd have to rent a car though, and it would decrease the time that I could spend in Salem and Eugene. And Portland has more COVID cases. I would have to fly into Portland and then take the train. The flights don't work out well. I'd either have to fly out in the morning after overnighting in Chicago or fly in late and overnight in Portland before taking the train to Salem and Eugene.

I'm been refereeing Kitty Drama this morning. Zara wanted to use the litter box and have a drink, and Mimi was being a shit. I finally held Mimi while Zara was doing her thing. Sigh.

Zara likes lying on the windowsill, mostly to get away from Mimi. And I have to feed her her wet food there. And she knocks her food dish off two or three times per meal. I need to wash the floor there. While I scoop her spilled food up, I'm sure that there are particles left over.

I've been slow moving today, but inching my way through breakfast and towards my nap. Yay. Nap time. Had a nice nap.

Had a bite to eat. Threw myself together. Ran errands. Got ingredients for pumpkin-zucchini bread, a bread cooling rack, bread, and soda. Cut off the enormous zucchini. I'm going to have some zucchini left over after making the bread, so maybe I'll make some fried zucchini. Started thawing chicken breasts for the chicken, spinach, and cheese recipe.

Wow, I'm rusty on Italian. Haven't had a lesson in a few weeks. Had my lesson. My teacher is feeling better. Got my lessons scheduled for the next month.

Zara's got the zoomies and is running back and forth between my lap and the windowsill.

I think that I want to learn to knit socks (well, learn to knit in general and then socks). I hate the socks that I can buy. I think that I want to learn on wooden needles so that I could take then through security at an airport. Or do socks need curved needles?

My eczema on my hands has been a lot better since I've been working from home. Maybe I should wear gloves when I handle books at work.

I thought about making the pumpkin-zucchini bread tonight, but I think that I just want to crash.

I'm looking at online singing and guitar teachers, but given that I'm taking programming in the fall, I can't afford it right now. Found some interesting teachers though.

italian, mimi, zara, errands, knitting, food, work, travel, retirement

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