
Apr 25, 2020 23:46

Slept for 11 hours. Yikes.

The treadmill has been delivered. The box is soaking wet because it's raining. My hair got wet wrangling the thing inside. Bah. The cats are checking out the box. It looks like it's too big to fit under the TV room futon, so I'll have to figure something else out. I have a good spot for the treadmill in the bedroom, so I'll clean the floor there and assemble the treadmill.

I was going to go run errands today, but it's supposed to rain all day. Maybe I could split them up and go during dinners during the week. Well, I should have time to put the treadmill together at least and have a nice walk. Hmm, flood watch. That doesn't sound good.

Walmart refunded the money for the first set of masks, assuming that they're lost. Yeah, no kidding. Glad that I ordered the second set.

It didn't take long for the treadmill to become a cat perch. (I haven't put it together yet.)

I wonder why my back hurts when I bend over. I found a spot in the kitchen for the treadmill (folded over), and I'm moving some stuff and cleaning. But my back started to hurt, so I'm taking a break. Got it swept, but I'm under cat arrest before scrubbing the floor with the floor cleaner.

The floor is scrubbed. Love the floor scrubber. Now I want to start on the bathroom, but I'm catted again. Cleaned most of the bathroom.

Talked to Mom. She had a rough week. A friend of hers died (of cancer, not of COVID-19, but he died alone in a nursing home because of COVID). Her power went out and her Wi-Fi wasn't working. Her printer wasn't working. Tiles are falling off of her roof, and she needs to call someone to fix it. She's been having problems sleeping because of pain in her hip, but she's been taking Benadryl, and it's been helping.

Through the magic of my microwave, I'm making frozen Shrimp Scampi, creamed spinach, and mashed potatoes. Yum. It was good.

I want to clean the bathroom floor and put together the treadmill, so I need to get cracking after I put the food away. Now I'm thinking that I should get up early and put together the treadmill. Food coma. I'll wait to wash the floor until after my shower tomorrow because I don't want to step on a wet floor when I go to bed, but I could sweep it.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

mom, sleep, money, treadmill, exercise, cleaning, cats

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