Errand and Italian Day

Jan 31, 2020 23:41

Got a long night's sleep. I needed it; it was kind of a grueling week with two early days and lots of front desk time. I also had a nap with Mimi.

I made an appointment at the vet for Zara and Mimi in two weeks.

"Wintry mix" tonight, but it's predicted to start after I get home. (It started while I was unloading groceries.)

Went to Dollar Tree and Aldi. Aldi had previously had a folding exercise bike, and I was considering getting it if they discounted it, but it was sold out. Probably just as well. (I found a folding bike with a desk on Amazon, so it's on my wish list.) Went to Walmart to pick up my groceries, but it was busy, and I had to wait a long time for them. Hmm, Saturday nights tend to be less crowded. I asked for three apples, but they gave me a bag of them, so I'd better get cracking on eating apples.

I had some of the French Bread pizza that I get at Aldi. Mmm, cheese.

Had my Italian lesson. We're deep in grammar. I find that while I remember the pronunciation rules in general, I don't always remember them when we're slinging vocabulary.

I'm trying to decide whether to watch a movie tonight or not. I'm feeling kind of tired. Sleep is winning.

Paid the bills that aren't on automatic payment.

Looked into publishing on Amazon. Downloaded Word templates to use. I'd need Word installed on my computer, so I looked into a license.

I think that I need to read Italian aloud to practice pronunciation. I went looking to find the Harry Potter books in Italian, only to find that they're free for the Kindle. Awesome. Free is good. I also found an Italian newspaper online.

Overall, a productive day.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, zara, food, weather, italian, mimi

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