
Jan 25, 2020 00:23

I went to use the washroom, and Mimi was meowing loudly outside the door. Sheesh, Mimi, you can survive without me for one minute! She also was walking around complaining while I made breakfast. I think that she was complaining that she couldn't jump on my lap.

I had a nice nap with Mimi. I got up, ate lunch, and studied some Italian. Threw myself together. I went and got soda, the weather being MUCH better than yesterday. Ate some grilled cheese. (I'm still going to make tuna casserole tonight, but I'll wait until after my lesson.)

Had my Italian lesson. I had some problems pronouncing some letter combinations, so I need to study them this week. My instructor is piling the work on, which is good. I also need to work on more flashcards of the 600 most common words.

Zara was climbing on me after she ate her dinner, and she whined when I got up.

I'm not very hungry, so I made some soup with some left over for tomorrow.

Zara has discovered the pillow that I put on my desk chair to raise myself up for the cam. (I'm short.) She grudgingly let me sit there for now.

Made some Italian flashcards. I want to make some more tomorrow, but I think that it's bedtime.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, zara, food, italian, mimi

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