Errand Day

Jan 20, 2020 22:00

Pried myself out of bed early. The water did not freeze.

I'm getting an error looking at the LJ app.

Zara clearly wanted me to feed her on my desk, but I told her that she had to jump down onto the floor. I can see why that she wanted to eat on the desk; Mimi promptly came in there. I chased Mimi away. Le sigh.

I've decided not to take a shower this morning because I took one last night, so I can lie down for a little while.

For some reason, I was thinking that my appointment at the dentist was for 11:45 rather than 11:30. I wound up having to jam when I threw myself together. I barely made it, but now I have my permanent crown in.

I had initially planned to run errands, but I'm not thrilled with leaving the faucets on while I'm gone.

Looked at trips on TravelZoo. They have one in Apulia, where Lecce is. I need to save up money.

I stumped the Google Nest Hub by asking when it would become above freezing. (Answer: Wednesday.) We're going to have more "wintry mix" later in the week. I'd rather have snow.

Ran errands. I now have the ingredients to make raisin bread, plus oatmeal and some other odds and ends. I also got sidewalk salt because the plumber left the outdoor faucet on, and it spewed water all over the place, and it's now a very slick coat of ice. I slipped on it when I left, and apparently my balance was good enough to keep me vertical. But I'm envisioning someone going flying.

Now I'm sitting still for a moment. I want to eat the French bread pizza that I bought, but I also need to make tuna casserole. I think that I'll assemble the casserole and put it in the fridge to bake tomorrow.

I asked Google how cold that it needed to be for pipes to freeze, and it said 20F. It's going to dip lower than that, so I have the water back on.

Mimi is on my lap. Zara came running out to jump on my lap and slammed on the brakes when she saw Mimi. She then went back in the office.

I was going to lie down for a while, but it's late, so I'm just going to go to bed. I'll read a little of my Italy book. It raves about Rome, so now I'm thinking that I would like to check out Rome after all.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, zara, italy, weather, dentist, travel, mimi

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