Dreaming of Italy

Jan 15, 2020 00:13

Now both girls have been sleeping on the bed with me. So far, no hissing. They're looking in opposite directions though.

I didn't wake up early. I needed the sleep though. I've been feeling exhausted. I've been tired all day today.

New potential retirement spot: Lecce, Italy. It's cheaper than other cities in Italy; it's a college town; there's a bus to the beach. I might live there for a year or two and then come back to the US. I never have lived overseas and would like to do so for a while. And I should have been born Italian. I love the language and the food.

I want to work on earning my TESOL certificate so that I could teach English online. But I'm going to wait until the 21st so that the fee will be due right when I get paid.

Time to go to sleep. Zara is lying on the folded-over top of my blanket, and I foresee issues when I go to sleep.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, classes, cats, retirement

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