
Jan 09, 2020 00:08

My Italian lesson was canceled. I'll reschedule for next week.

Ugh. I went to Ace Hardware to get a new car key. They said that it would cost $200. Well, that's better than $300. However, they couldn't tell what the part number is for the remote, so they said that I would need to call the Kia dealer and find out. Somehow, I think that this might not work well, but I'll call.

I had a coughing jag from my Ramen at dinner and wound up peeing. Aargh. I don't want to have to wear pads.

The gym that I like and is under new management now has a keypad to be open 24 hours. I need to stop by there. I don't know when because I'm working Monday-Friday this week and next week.

It was a comfort food night (grilled cheese and tomato soup). I'm going to sleep early so that I can call the Kia parts department tomorrow morning.

Oh, and there's supposed to be a deluge of rain over the next couple of days. Lovely. And it's supposed to turn to snow on Saturday, but at least, not a lot of snow.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

car, aargh, food, weather, italian, gym

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