Baby Steps Towards Sewing

Jan 03, 2020 01:17

Kitty drama this morning. They had been doing so well, but that's mostly because Zara has been camping out in the TV room. She came into the kitchen to be fed and...hissing and swatting.

I did find some movies on Netflix that I want to watch. Zara has upchucked some hairballs on the TV room futon, though, so I guess that it's laundry time later.

I turn into a lazy bum when I have lots of time off. I'm actually more productive when I have less time. I managed to shower and get dressed today, which is a start. I thought about getting my cheddar for the biscuits, but I have to be up and out to go to the dentist tomorrow, so I'll wait. I also want to make cloth napkins as my very first sewing project (cut them out, fold over edges, press, sew) so I need to find out how much cloth I need.

I'm not the only one feeling lazy. Mimi is dozing on my lap.

Found the instructions to make the napkins. Looked at fat quarters online, but most of them have ten pieces, and I only need four for the napkins, although I'd like to have some extra cloth to practice on. I found something that might work online, but I'll see what Walmart has first.

I signed up for Udemy sewing classes: Sewing 101 and Pattern Reading 101. Then I saw a beginner's sewing class in which you make a really cute tote bag, so I signed up for it too. That should keep me busy.

Popped some banana bread in the oven. Worked on organizing the bedroom. Now I'm to speak. Love my Google Home Mini in the kitchen to use as a timer. Mmmm, the banana bread is good.

Reached a stopping point on the bedroom, so now I'm watching sewing videos. Printed off the manual for my machine. Discovered that some of the accessories for the machine are missing, so I'm going to need to buy some of them (such as the foot for the automatic button hole maker). I won't need some of them at first though. Sewing Parts Online has the accessories that I need. Awesome.

I'm going to go to bed and look over the manual. Well, I should just go to sleep because I need to go to the dentist tomorrow.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, movies, cooking, cleaning, sewing, mimi

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