Better and Better, Bit by Bit

Dec 07, 2019 00:04

My phone suddenly charged up to 100 percent charged. So I guess that the problem is the charger and not the phone. Good. I'll stop by AT&T (assuming that I feel well enough to go out) tomorrow.

My fever has broken. Zara is hanging out on my lap. It's a better day.

I tried to take a nap after breakfast, but couldn't sleep. So I called Mom today instead of tomorrow because I wasn't sure what my phone situation would be. She's a little under the weather too. She was concerned about me, and she decided that I should have some chicken soup and watch The Crown.

I think that the wiring in here is part of the problem with charging the phone. I've had some other weird things happen, such as the microwave starting a while after plugging it in. I also pressed a reset button on one outlet and had the Google Home Mini (which is on a different outlet) restart. I plugged the charger into the power strip for my computer, and it's been chugging along charging.

I had some chicken soup. I think that I'll take a shower and then watch The Crown. I'm feeling a little more perky. Maybe I'll get some stuff done--at least, some gift-wrapping and card-writing. I asked Mom if I'd be sending germs along with my cards, but she said that she didn't think so, and to just wash my hands beforehand.

The gym that I like is reopening under new management. I hadn't canceled my Blue Cross Blue Shield gym membership, so I guess that I'll keep it going.

I ordered the kitchen island/cart that my mom is giving me for Christmas. It should arrive early next week.

I took a shower and got the stink off, and put on clean pajamas. I feel reborn.

I'm doing low-energy stuff around here (emptying the dryer and putting clothes in the dryer, dishes, Christmas cards, and the like). I hope that tomorrow I'll feel up for cleaning.

Looked up some addresses for Christmas cards. I no longer keep a personal address book because of the Internet, but it's getting harder to find addresses for free. No, I don't want to pay for a background check to get an address.

Watched an episode of The Crown. Made grilled cheese and tomato soup; we'll see how well I digest it. I think that it's time to crash.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

cooking, sick, phone, zara, aargh, mom, food, tv, gym

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