Very Lazy Birthday

Nov 13, 2019 03:40

I could sleep as late as I wanted. So I woke up at 10:30 AM. Bah. Maybe I'll take a nice long nap to make up for it.

I've decided that I should get the microwave instead of the sweats. I should be able to get the sweats in January once I get past December, which is going to suck.

Mimi and I were playing with the reflection from my phone. I got her shaking her head back and forth while I moved the reflection back and forth. She's such a goof.

Had a nice leisurely breakfast. Now it's nap time. You can tell that you're getting older when you spend your birthday...being lazy :) I'm now curled up in bed with Zara next to me and Mimi on the wicker chest by the window. Very cozy.

I did have a nice long cozy nap. I'm thinking of staying in and going to the store tomorrow because it's freaking cold out (15 F).

I asked Google Home if it was my birthday. It sang "Happy Birthday dear person who's birthday it is," and told me to enter my birthday in the Google Home app if I want it to remember my birthday. I don't want Google to know my birthday, but I'm amazed that it doesn't already know it. Bing did a birthday thing for me last night unbidden.

Checked my Netflix account, and it's just fine, thank you phishing people. They've gotten Eat Pray Love, which I've seen, but it sounds like a fun movie to watch tonight. But first, I want to binge-watch Tales of the City.

Ordered two of my Walmart gift cards for my microwave, but need to order the last one tomorrow because they have a limit of two a day. Bummer.

I discovered that I no longer have CNN. This is not good. Mom will not be happy. Need to call Comcast and see what we can work out. Or cancel the local stations and get Sling.

Watched a couple of episodes of Tales of the City. It is cold in here, even with the heat on, so I snuggled in bed for a little while.

The Mushroom Truffle Gnocchi is good. I want to see how hard it would be to make my own gnocchi. I really like it.

Mimi was lying on her back with her belly in the air, so she apparently isn't cold. I was telling her that she's goofy, and she decided that meant that I wanted her on my lap. Cats!

I watched the rest of the episodes of Tales of the City, and cried a little. Now it's 3 AM, and the cats are already asleep.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

netflix, sleep, tales of the city, cooking, birthday, mimi, zara, food, tv

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