Oct 27, 2005 13:09
fuck people and the way they treat me. I'm so fucking sick of it, you know I really try to be a good person help people more than I usually help myself, be there for them when their boyfriends not, or someone else, but I really do have a big heart and think that's the way the world should be, if more people helped more people everyday, maybe there wouldn't be so much hate in this world. you know I'm just going to keep helping and hope one day I get paid back for it, in the end I will have done a good deed and feel good inside. you know I drove to your house tonight because Kandra and I were worried because you never called like you promised and I was scared to death you weren't alright, of course you were there and proably were just fucking your boyfriend, and that's what makes me really mad, you know that's one thing I don't do is break a promise, and to some people that doesn't even matter. (Kandra would never tell you she was mad because she is to much of a sweetie, but I am the one with the big mouth so I will speak for her that was shitty.)
I consider all my friends like family and I guess it just makes me mad when they don't return the favor.
I've had such a bad day, I think I am getting sick, splitting headache, and to many other people's problems to think about.
you watch me toss and turn everynight to just watch me the next.
I don't know where the hell Jenni is, I think I lost her somewhere out and this world, when I've needed her the most and when she's needed me, at least I guess she needs me, call me because I love you.
Cole you make me feel stable again whenever I hear your voice, so thanks, I <3 U.