Title: Such a Beautiful Thing: Promises (1/12)
Universe: G1, Avalon AU
Characters: Hound, Mirage
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Notes: written for
Three's A Charm Challenge. thanks to
flybystardancer for the beta work.
They met by accident.
Mirage was a high class, well crafted towers mech and Hound was almost as low class as a mech could get without living on the streets. They had nothing in common at all, and would probably have gone through all their existence without knowing each other except for a chance meeting in a confectioner’s shop.
Hound was filthy when he walked into the confectioner’s shop-not an uncommon state for him, but after his utterly disastrous guided tour through the wildlife refuge he looked much worse than normal. He wanted to do nothing more than go home, shower and recharge for the next two cycles but he had to pick up the energon treats he had commissioned for his carrier’s sparkday celebration first. He was so tired that he almost didn’t notice the shop’s other patron as he trudged up to the counter.
If he hadn’t looked so terrible, the blue and white mech might not have noticed him, either. “I find it difficult to believe that any mech would willingly be seen in public like that.”
It took Hound several clicks to realize the mech-the absolutely pristine and gleamingly polished mech-was speaking to him. “I’m sorry?”
“You,” the slender mech said, flicking a hand toward the oil and energon coating his frame. “How can you be willing to be seen like that? It’s disgusting.”
The guide looked down at himself, then shrugged. “Some of us have to get dirty for a living.”
The blue and white mech gave him a thoughtful look, but was prevented from replying by the shop’s owner coming into the main room.
“Goodness, Hound! What happened to you?”
He gave the femme a rueful smile. “Some noblemech thought he knew more about cybercats than I do. He’ll probably be out of the repair bay the cycle after next.”
The proprietor shook her head. “He’s fortunate that he had you as a guide. Some of the others wouldn’t have been able to get him out and keep him online. Are you here for the confections for your carrier’s party?”
“Yeah. Just stopping by on my way home. I probably won’t have time next cycle.”
“Of course. I’ll fetch them in just a moment.” She handed the blue and white mech a neatly wrapped box of treats. “Here you are. Thank you for your patience.”
“Thank you. I’m certain they’ll be up to your usual standards, so the wait is worth it.” The slender mech gave her a smile.
“Flatterer.” The shop owner returned his smile before turning to the door to her back room. “I’ll be right back Hound.”
“Sure.” The guide resisted the urge to lean against the counter, not wanting the proprietor to have to clean it off after he left. After a moment, he realized the blue and white mech was still standing next to him and giving him an appraising look. “Can I help you?”
The other mech shook his head. “You already have. I heard about Darkstreak’s accident from my carrier just before I came into the shop. She had nothing but praise for the guide who rescued him.”
“Oh, Primus.” The other mech had looked well-kept but not that well-kept. “Look, I didn’t mean to be insulting to your friend-“
“Oh, he’s not my friend. My carrier’s friend, certainly, but not mine.” The blue and white mech gave him a smile. “My opinion of him is much the same as yours, I think. But I am grateful for your bravery; not many mechs would put themselves at such risk for someone like him.”
Hound wanted to make a flippant remark, but he kept it to himself. Getting his clients killed didn’t get him jobs, but neither did making nobles angry. “You’re welcome. I would have done it for anyone, though.”
“That’s good to know.” The noble gave him another of those charming smiles. “Perhaps we’ll meet again in the future, then.”
The guide knew he was staring as the noble left the shop, but he couldn’t help himself. A fine looking mech had just potentially offered him a job; perhaps today hadn’t been as bad as he thought.
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