Feb 11, 2010 17:31
I'm not cut out for anything.
School is swallowing me slowly and I'm making it worse by being lazy.
I wish that all I had was English and Art.
Math is the one eating me mostly...so many tests, so many equations, must keep up the good grade.
Reading 'The Road' and it's amazing. I love it, though it makes me terribly sad.
I will cry at the end most likely.
The father and son just touch my heart.
Makes me want my daddy.
But anyways, enough of that shit.
Relationships aren't good for me, or the other person.
it never happens, nor works.
I no longer have a boyfriend, and I'm fine with that.
I'm just not cut out for dating.
It's best guys just stay away from me.
I'm too lazy.
I'm too stupid.
I need to study now...hopfully this weekend will be fu-better, i won't shoot for fun just yet.