Jun 26, 2005 22:48
Well, june 26 is done, and what a rousing day it was. first sunday in newtown (yes, ive lost all caps and grammer, get over it) and it was very interesting. went to a very nice church, made all the nicer by a group of girls (very attractive girls) that came over to talk to me. out of the blue. for the life of me i cant remember the hottest one's name, but she seemed very interested in me. my mom wants to keep church surfin, even though she likes this one, but im gonna try to go more. haha. anyway, ill probably ask this girl out pretty soon, if we go back a few more times. she is very nice, very attractive. and she is my age (just graduated) which is always good. anyway, thats about all. i spent a lazy day at home, listened to some mizzusic and read some books, but thats all. oh, i went to my aunts house. she is cool, and i just chilled for a bit, listening to my grandmother repeat how skinny i looked and how she didnt even know me cause i was growing up. blah blah. but i love her. she just wants me to be a little baby again. and i poop on that idea. haha. anyway, goodnight all, till tomorrow and my next entry. oh, and thanks waddler for my first comment! wee! very nice, and i appreciate it. keep it up, and ill comment on yours too. little comment buddies! haha. anyway, Dustin out. wow, that was dorky. haha.
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