Oct 16, 2005 19:56
mannnn I haven't updated in forever so I figured I would now and try to put everything together in one entry...but I believe it will be a long one. haha.
Last Friday was the homecoming game at Glenn...so I went to that. It ended up pouring down rain, but since the guys were renting tuxes and it would cost WAY to much money to keep the tuxes for another week they decided to do homecoming in the pouring down rain. and wouldn't you believe I was right out there cheering my team on in the pouring down rain...you must be crazy if you didn't think I was going to be there! haha. I got soaked from head to toe yet I had the best time of my life! I swear...I will never forget that game..running around in the rain, soaked, being stupid, cheering the team on and WE WON! YES! I decided not to go anywhere after the game because I was soaked and would probably just freeze to death being that wet in a restaurant. I came home and got a HOTT shower and chilled and then went to bed!
Saturday I cleaned all day and then I went to Rock n' Roll gymnastic competition with Kirby! It was fun! and the gymnastic guys were EXTREMELY hott! haha.
Sunday I don't think I did anything but project. ugh - lammmeeee.
all week I just did the usual school stuff. I had alot of work just like I always do...duhhhh duhhh.
This friday I went to the Glenn vs. Carver game. We were undefeated untiiillll we lost this friday. =( I was sooo mad! I can't believe we lost. but it's ok...we will get out there and win every other game we have because GLENN ROCKS! hehe. but besides us losing at the VERY end...I had a great time at the game! I cheered like crazyy and yelled more than ever. If you heard how I sounded friday night and Saturday morning you know that I pretty much didn't have a voice, now I have a voice but its all raspy. but Me, Rach, and Roxy made up the cheer for "offense" it goes "OOOOOOOOOO (keep Oing) OFFENSE!" and you have to hold up an O with your arms and shake your butt while doing this. haha. It has to be the best cheer ever. haa. We made up like 98609567 other cheers too, but it'd take to long to explain them all. haha. After the game I went to Ham's. I met up with Stephen, Michelle, Kyle, Bixby, Gooch, C.Griffin and some other cool people. It was fun! Me and Michelle ordered this HUGE nacho thing that Bixby payed for and didn't even eat HALF of it. haha. but it's all gooddddd. We played tic tac toe and watched us screaming on TV for all of 2 seconds haha. thenn Stephen took me home and then I went to bedddddd!
Yesterday I cleaned all day and then did NOTHING at all that night. It stunk! but that's ok...i needed a free night to chill, I guess?
Today...I did a project...and i'm still doing a project..and tomorrow and for the next week I will STILL be doing a project and have homework and all that. ARGH...TOO MUCH WORK!!
I can't wait until the BREAK! I'm going to the beaccchhhh. ekkkkkk i'm soooo excited!! The beach is the BEST place EVER anytime of the YEAR! hhaha.
I'm going to try more than ANYTHING to go to the soccer game tuesday because i've had like 15 people ask me to go...so I believe i'm going to that. yesssssssssssss. hottnessss.
im out for now. <3