Jul 22, 2005 22:14
you know what? this weekend wasn't half bad. yesterday i had people over to swim. ...which went surprisingly well. After we swam and ate and all kinds of good stuff, we played manhunt and capture the flag. Note to self: I am NOT good for blocking runners. i got picked up and thrown aside, thus leaving our flag unattended lol. i have a lovely bruise from that one.
Today was the billy joel tribute at rose tree. that was good. I met up with people to try out the new Villa Pizza place that replaced Scotto's in the mall... and while you can't compare it to Scotto's, by itself it wasn't bad at all. It was, in fact, edible and decent. You just can't rank it with the pentultimate pizza. After the pizza we headed over to RTP for frisbee... more people came and we ended up playing wiffleball instead... which really turned into a pick-up game with a bunch of local little kids. Either way it doesn't change the fact that i was the only girl there and i suck at sports. ...sadly i think my low point was wiffleball. then we played frisbee... tom and eric had a really nice system going... i was the decoy. i ran and looked pretty. its ok. they expect jack shit from me since i'm a girl. i carry no weight and no expectations anymore. that's what happens when all your seen as is a piece of meat.
overall seeing a couple people did not go anywhere near as bad as i thought it would. i mean i was expecting something more... i dunno... either vindictive or awkward. i was seriously in survival mode at one point... seeing someone i really thought would be taking shots left and right... i feel bad now for not remembering what kind of a nice guy he can really be. it's good to see people maturing and letting things go.
so swing tomorrow... come on all you swing kids. it'll be fun.
oh and in an unprecedented move... this is a public entry. unless i really need to vent, these entries are come one/come all.